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Webinar 1: Methodology for CCUS planning

Thursday, 30 January, 2020 - 12:30

This webinar presented key points from two reports delivered as the first part of Work Package 2 of the STRATEGY CCUS Project, which concern mapping the technical potential of promising regions for industrial carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) clusters.



The aim of STRATEGY CCUS is to enable the short- to mid- term development of CCUS through strategic planning of industrial CCUS clusters in Southern and Eastern Europe, within the overarching context of emissions reduction for climate change mitigation.

The first presentation introduced the report, Industrial CCUS Clusters and CO2 transport systems: methodologies for characterisation and definition, aimed at helping the project's regional teams define options and scope for potential clusters in their regions, including CO2 collection and trunk transport systems needed to connect to a storage site.

The second presentation introduced the report, Bridging the gap: storage resource assessment methodologies, which will enable regions to identify mature CO2 storage resources from a theoretical base to a practical, matched reserve. The methodology best practice includes capacity quantification, key attribute suitability, and data quality for deep saline aquifers, depleted hydrocarbon fields and unmineable coal beds.



12:30 Welcome and project overview – Fernanda de Mesquita Lobo Veloso, Project Coordinator, BRGM
12:35 Industrial CCUS Clusters and CO2 transport systems: methodologies for characterisation and definition – Peter Brownsort, Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage
12:55 Bridging the gap: storage resource assessment methodologies – Andrew Cavanagh, University of Edinburgh
13:05 Question & Answer with panel
13:25 Wrap-up and close – Fernanda de Mesquita Lobo Veloso
13:30 Webinar ends

The webinar will be introduced and chaired by Fernanda de Mesquita Lobo Veloso, coordinator of the project STRATEGY CCUS:

Fernanda M.L. Veloso is a geologist specialised in geological and reservoir modelling for geological storage of CO2. Before she joined the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM, the French Geological Survey) and completed her PhD, Fernanda spent almost five years at Total, an international oil and gas company, where she worked as a wellsite geologist and as a researcher studying the behavior of seal rocks in high temperature and high pressure conditions. Fernanda is project coordinator for STRATEGY CCUS.

The webinar will feature presentations by:

Peter Brownsort is Scientific Research Officer at Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) and a research associate at the University of Edinburgh. Following over twenty years career experience in the chemical industry, Pete has been involved in carbon sequestration for the last ten years, mostly with SCCS. He has engaged with a wide variety of topics, including industrial CCS, capture clusters and transport hubs, CO2 transport – particularly ship transport, fiscal incentives for CCS, hydrogen with CCS, and negative emission technologies. Pete also manages the web-based SCCS Global Projects Map and database.

Andrew Cavanagh is a researcher at the University of Edinburgh. He has specialised in CO2 geological storage since 2006. He has been involved in projects that investigate the design, performance, and outcomes of CO2 storage sites around the world. Andrew holds a PhD in petroleum geology and reservoir diagenesis.