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Paris basin - France


  • This region includes the Le Havre CCS cluster (SET Plan IWG9), the big industrial emitters of Dunkerque and Florange, and a range of small to medium emitters in Paris city and the Orleans’ metropole area.
  • There are six potential CO2 storage sites in this region: Buntsandstein sandstone; Donnemarie sandstone; Chaunoy sandstone; Boissy sandstone, Dogger carbonates and Rhetian Sandstone
  • Potential storage capacity in 2009 was estimated at 60-140 million tonnes of CO2
  • The potential exists to connect CCUS clusters to large North Sea storage sites operated by other countries, such as Norway and the UK
  • Captured CO2 can be used in existing horticulture projects (CO2SERRE), permanently stored as part of geothermal projects (CO2-DISSOLVED) and combined with renewable energy initiatives for energy storage

(Image: Storage possibilities in the Paris basin (France Nord project, Bader et al., 2014)(STRATEGY CCUS kick-off meeting,Orleans, 2019))